Can Pilates heal back pain?

Can Pilates heal back pain?

Muscle imbalances are the number 1 cause of most back pain. In fact, 99 percent of all back and joint pain can be healed with Pilates through muscle balance. Pilates is a conditioning program practiced to balance strength with flexibility, allowing the body to move with optimum functionality. In fact, most physical therapy programs incorporate Pilates exercises as a part of their healing and rehabilitation regime. So to answer the question, does Pilates heal injuries? Yes, it sure can!

Can Pilates prevent injuries?

Chronic back pain and injuries usually come from long term postural imbalances. We are creatures of habit. Most of what we do throughout our day is unconscious. Pilates for pain is not only rehabilitation. Pilates is a full body and mind workout focused on deep core stability and alignment. Balancing muscle strength and flexibility in the body relieves tension and discomfort in the joints healing and preventing injuries. Pilates is a mindfulness practice that teaches us to become aware of our inefficient daily movement patterns and postural habits that put extra stress on our joints. Only from this place of conscious awareness can we create lasting change.

Is Pilates a full body workout?

Pilates will ultimately make you more mindful and Pilates is a whole body workout. Mindfulness is a practice of presence that increases our focus and concentration and relieves stress, anxiety and depression. Starting a Pilates practice will not only heal your back pain and injuries; it will calm your nervous system with deep breathing and mindfulness skills, Pilates gives you a full body workout including resistance training with your own body weight and allows you to perform day to day activities with grace and ease.

Can I do Pilates if I am injured?

You can absolutely practice Pilates with almost all injuries. Be sure to get a doctor’s clearance first. Not all Pilates instructors offer precise, quality instruction so it is important that you are receiving quality, detailed instruction. Ninety-nine percent of the time Pilates will create space in the body and alleviate pressure on your joints so pilates helps pain. Therefore you can get a great full body workout and heal your injuries at the same time while practicing Pilates. To get started now check out this video on the Pilates Breathe.
Posterior lateral ribcage breathing is a breath developed by Joseph Pilates himself to engage our deep core muscles. The muscles are responsible for supporting our posture and our spine. Just learning and practicing this Pilates breath will decrease your pain, increase your awareness and move you forward on your healing journey back to the true, healthy, whole, joyful YOU. Start Pilates now to experience how Pilates is good for your back.